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 「超錢部署」有兩種形式:(1)在線自我評估測驗; 和(2)教育動畫。這兩種形式可用來迎合學習者的不同學習偏好或用於不用教育場景。「超錢部署」設計的問題基於現實生活,其問答功能可以提升互動性。利用人物角色的設計易於學習者將所學知識應用到日常生活。現實生活的場景和人物角色可以使學習過程更有吸引力,更貼近生活,更易於長者理解和記憶。




在線自我評估測驗由六個“對與錯”問題組成 (自我評估測驗)。自學使用者可以在10分鐘內自行填寫完成。完成所有問題後,使用者可以立即獲得答案以及簡短解釋。教育工作者也可使用該測驗以評估學習者對財務規劃議題的基本知識水平,或評估他們對某個主題的理解以及將其應用於日常生活中的能力。

超錢部署 - 問題一
超錢部署 - 問題二
超錢部署 - 問題三
超錢部署 - 問題四
超錢部署 - 問題五
超錢部署 - 問題六

配套的六條教育動畫,每條短片時間長度約為一分鐘。動畫短片可以輕鬆上傳到YouTube和Facebook等社交媒體平台中,用作公共教育。每個動畫可以獨立使用, 用於小組案例討論,或用於其他教育活動,例如公共講座,研討會,工作坊。



What it is??

Developed by Sau Po Centre on Ageing, the knowledge transformation tool, naming Be SMART (i.e., Beyond Self/Money/Age/Retirement/Today), is an interactive learning and educational tool for financial education and knowledge enhancement for older people and their family. It can help users navigate the complex choice landscape by addressing the misconceptions commonly held by older adults.


How does it develop?

The content and format of the tool are based on the empirical findings of a research project, naming “Advance Financial Planning in the Third Age in Hong Kong” (.pdf). The knowledge transformation tool is co-created by peer researchers and academic research staff. The contents are created to address the greatest common misconceptions held by most participants. Topics includes joint accounts, reverse mortgages, annuities, enduring power of attorneys, guardianship orders, and wills.

 The knowledge transformation tool is presented in two formats: (1) an online self-assessment quiz; and (2) six educational animations. These two formats have been employed to cater to the different learning preferences of older people. The knowledge transformation tool is interactive in terms of its Q&A feature. The descriptions of the tool are based on real-life scenarios using characters presenting various roles. Relatable scenarios enable learners to apply knowledge easily and directly in their daily roles and tasks. The real-life experiences can make learning engaging, relatable, understandable, and memorable.


How can it be used?

It could be used as a self-learning tool or a complementary education resource to improve the understanding of advance financial planning.

The online self-assessment quiz (link "only in Chinese") is consisting of six “true or false” questions. It can be self-administered within 10 minutes. After answering all questions, and respondents can immediately see correct and wrong answers with brief explanations. Therefore, the quiz can be used for self-learning for older adults. The quiz can also be used by educators as a test material to assess the baseline financial knowledge of the audience or to evaluate their understanding of a certain topic and the ability to apply it to real-life scenarios.

Six educational animations have been also created. The length of time of each animation is approximately one minute. Those animations can be easily integrated into social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook for public education. Each of the animations can also be used as a case study for group work or embedded into other educational activities such as public lectures, seminars, workshops.


** Be SMART is produced as part of the Advance Financial Planning in the Third Age in Hong Kong project, which has been funded by the Investor and Financial Education Council (


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