



The Centre focuses on enhancing the quality of life of elderly through gerontology research. We have a strong research team which comprises experts in different areas of gerontology. The team investigates into various ageing-related issues through multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural studies in conjunction with local and overseas experts. To guide our studies to development direction, we have identified several strategic research focuses by theme: Long-term care, Meaningful ageing, Ageing-in-place, Active and healthy ageing, Age-friendly city, Social Determinants of well-being.
Other than the research themes, our researchers also look into issues faced by different populations, including family caregivers, people with dementia, volunteers, people with stroke, people in end stage of life, aged people with life time disabilities. For example, the team has devoted a lot of effort in dementia studies such as non-pharmacological interventions (e.g. cognitive stimulation therapy) and caregiver support for dementia patients. We have developed family-based intervention programme for caregivers of stroke patients. We also investigate into the difference in ageing process between people with Down syndrome and the general public, and examine how physical fitness and functioning of adults with Down syndrome changes when they age. Many of our projects involve community engagement of both frail and healthy older people. This effectively promotes elderly volunteerism as empowerment which enforces productive aging and a thriving society.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: Singapore University of Social Sciences Pro-bono
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Association Limited Pro-bono
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: General Research Fund
Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou
Funding Source: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou (Co-PI)
Funding Source: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou (Co-PI)
Funding Source: Health and Medical Research Fund
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou (Co-PI)
Funding Source: Research Impact Fund
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Vivian Lou (Co-PI)
Funding Source: Theme-based Research Scheme
2022 Lou, V.W.Q., & Jiang, N. Caregivers’ Depressive Symptom Trajectories and Risk of Cognitive Impairment among Older Adults with Functional Limitations: A Prospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(1), 1-15. Lou, V.W.Q., Cheng, C.Y.M., Yu, D.S.F., Wong, D.F.K., Lai, D.W.L., Chong, A.M.L., Chen, S., Chou, K.L. (2022) Meaning Making as a Lifebuoy in Dementia Caregiving: Predicting Depression from a Generation Perspective Using a Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(23), 15711. Yan, E., Ng, H.K.L., Sun, R., Lai, D.W.L., Cheng, S.-T., Lou, V.W.Q., Fong, D.Y.T. and Kwok, T. (2022). Resilience as a protective factor against elder abuse by family caregivers: findings from a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong. The Journal of Adult Protection, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Chen, S., Bao, Z., Chen, J., Yang, L., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Sustainable built environment for facilitating public health of older adults: Evidence from Hong Kong. Sustainable Development, 1-13. Chen, S., Bao, Z., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Assessing the impact of the built environment on healthy aging: A gender-oriented Hong Kong study. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 95, 106812. Cheung, J. C.-S., Liu, T., Lu, S., Chui, C. H.-K., Leung, D. K. Y., Au, W. S. H., Kwok, W.-W., Lum, T. , & Wong, G. (2022). Depressive Symptoms and Coping Strategies in Community-Dwelling Older People Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method Study. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–17. Chui, C. H., Lu, S., Chan, O. F., Cheung, J. C.-S., Guo, Y., Liu, Y., Chan, S. W., Tang, J. Y. M., Au, A., Wen, Z. V., Yu, R., Bai, X., Mok, K. H. J., Woo, J., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2022). Changes in older adults’ perceptions of age-friendliness in Hong Kong: A three-year mixed-methods study. Cities, 127, 103748–. Ho, H. C., Cheng, W., Song, Y., Liu, Y., Guo, Y., Lu, S., Lum, T. Y. S. , Chiu, R., & Webster, C. (2022). Spatial uncertainty and environment-health association: An empirical study of osteoporosis among “old residents” in public housing estates across a hilly environment. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 306, 115155–115155. Kong, D., Chen, A., Zhang, J., Xiang, X., Lou, W. V. , Kwok, T., & Wu, B. (2022). Public Discourse and Sentiment Toward Dementia on Chinese Social Media: Machine Learning Analysis of Weibo Posts. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24 (9), e39805–e39805. Liu, T., Leung, D. K. Y., Lu, S., Kwok, W.-W., Sze, L. C. Y., Tse, S. S. K., Ng, S. M., Wong, P. W. C., Lou, V. W. Q. , Tang, J. Y. M., Wong, D. F. K., Chan, W. C., Kwok, R. Y. K., Lum, Liu, T., Leung, D. K. Y., Lu, S., Kwok, W.-W., Sze, L. C. Y., Tse, S. S. K., Ng, S. M., Wong, P. W. C., Lou, V. W. Q. , Tang, J. Y. M., Wong, D. F. K., Chan, W. C., Kwok, R. Y. K., Lum, T. Y. S. , & Wong, G. H. Y. (2022). Collaborative community mental health and aged care services with peer support to prevent late-life depression: study protocol for a non-randomised controlled trial. Trials, 23 (1), 280–280. Liu, T., Peng, M.-M., Au, W. S. H., Wong, F. H. C., Kwok, W.-W., Yin, J., Lum, T. Y. S. , & Wong, G. H. Y. (2022). Depression risk among community-dwelling older people is associated with perceived COVID-19 infection risk: effects of news report latency and focusing on number of infected cases. Aging & Mental Health , (ahead-of-print), 1–8. Lou, V. W. , Cheng, C. Y., Ng, D. K., Chan, F. H., Mo, S. S., Kung, E. K., & Luk, J. K. (2022). A mHealth-Supported Volunteer-Assisted Spiritual Well-Being Intervention for Discharged Older Patients: A Tripartite Collaboration. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1–19. Lu, N., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Care-giving burden and life satisfaction among family care-givers of disabled older adults in China: The moderator role of care-giver wisdom. Ageing & Society, 1-17. Lu, N., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Community social capital and cognitive function among older adults in rural north‐east China: The moderator role of income. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30 (1), 225–234. Lu, N., Sun, Q., Jiang, N., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Does wisdom moderate the relationship between burden and depressive symptoms among family caregivers of disabled older adults in China? A multiple-group path analysis. Aging & Mental Health, 26 (8), 1572-1579. Luo, H., Wong, G. H. Y., Tang, J. Y. M., Liu, T., Wong, F. H. C., Miu, A. C., Morrow-Howell, N., Cheng, S.-T., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2022). Perceived Life Expectancy Predicts Time Investment in Productive Aging Activities: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Research on Aging, 44 (1), 73–82. Lu, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, T., Leung, D. K. Y., Kwok, W., Luo, H., Tang, J., Wong, G. H. Y., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2022). Associations between depressive symptom clusters and care utilization and costs among community‐dwelling older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37 (1). Mao, S., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Lu, N. (2022). Perceptions of neighborhood environment and loneliness among older Chinese adults: the mediator role of cognitive and structural social capital. Aging & Mental Health, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1–9. Mao, W., Lou, V. W. Q. , Li, M., & Chi, I. (2022). Coresidence and Well-Being among Adult Child Caregivers in Urban China: Impacts of the Domain-Specific Caregiver Burden. Social Work Research, 46 (1), 44–52. Wong, K. S. S., Wright, A., Chen, K., Cheung, C. T. J., Wu, H. Y., & Lou, V. W. (2022). Photo‐elicitation for teaching awareness of ageism in healthcare. Medical Education, 56 (5), 558–559. Zhang, Y., Li, X., Chan, V. K. Y., Luo, H., Chan, S. S. M., Wong, G. H. Y., Wong, I. C. K., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2022). Depression duration and risk of incident cardiovascular disease: A population-based six-year cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 305, 188–195. Zhang, Y., Luo, H., Wong, G. H. Y., Zhao, M., Lv, X., Lum, T. Y. S. , Chui, C. S. L., Yu, X., Wong, I. C. K., & Wang, H. (2022). Prescription Patterns of Antidementia and Psychotropic Drugs in People Living With Dementia: Findings From the Clinical Pathway Study of Alzheimer’s Disease in China. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23 (6), 1073–1079.e3. Zhao, X., Zhang, Q., Ji, Y., Liu, H., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2022). Influence of spousal caregiving and living arrangement on depression among husband caregivers in rural China. Aging & Mental Health, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1–8. 2021 Chan, M. H. H., Leung, W. C. Y., Lou, W. Q. V. , Lo, C. N. R., & Chang, R. S. (2021). Employment among people with epilepsy in Hong Kong. Epilepsy & Behavior, 124, 108329–108329. Chen, J., Liu, L., Chen, J., Jiang, W., Wu, B., Zhu, J., Lou, V. W. , & He, Y. (2021). Physical activity and posttraumatic growth in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis: A prospective study. Journal of Health Psychology, 26 (14), 2896–2907. Chen, J., Liu, L., Chen, J., Ng, M. S. N., Lou, V. W. Q. , Wu, B., Jiang, W., Jie, Y., Zhu, J., & He, Y. (2021). The cross-lagged association between depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis: a three-wave longitudinal study. Quality of Life Research, 30 (12), 3463–3473. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Lo, S. S. C. (2021). Exploring the acceptance of tablets usage for cognitive training among older people with cognitive impairments: A mixed-methods study. Applied Ergonomics, 93, 103381. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. , Tan, K. C., Wai, M., & Chan, L. (2021). Burnout and intention to leave among care workers in residential care homes in Hong Kong: Technology acceptance as a moderator. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29 (6), 1833–1843. Chen, S. H. Z., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Residential reasoning: how childless older adults choose between ageing in place (AIP) and institutionalisation in rural China. Ageing and Society, 1–19. Cheung, J. C. T., Sun, Q., Wan, A. N. T., Wong, S. Y., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Intergenerational mentorship on character traits among disadvantaged primary school students. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(7) , 716-727. Guo, Y., Liu, Y., Lu, S., Chan, O. F., Chui, C. H. K., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2021). Objective and perceived built environment, sense of community, and mental wellbeing in older adults in Hong Kong: A multilevel structural equation study. Landscape and Urban Planning, 209, 104058-. Huang, J., Chau, P. H., Choi, E. P. H., Wu, B., & Lou, V. W. (2021). The Patterns of Caregiving Activities for Family Caregivers of Older Adults in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76 (8), 1605–1616. Jiang, N., Sun, Q., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). The impact of caregiver's depressive symptoms on trajectories of cognitive function in older adults with functional limitations. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36, 1284-1294. Lee, J. J., Tsang, W. N., Yang, S. C., Kwok, J. Y. Y., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Lau, K. K. (2021). Qualitative Study of Chinese Stroke Caregivers’ Caregiving Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stroke (1970), 52(4), 1407–1414. Liu, Y., Lu, S., Guo, Y., Ho, H. C., Song, Y., Cheng, W., Chui, C. H. K., Chan, O. F., Chiu, R. L. H., Webster, C., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2021). Longitudinal associations between neighbourhood physical environments and depressive symptoms of older adults in Hong Kong: The moderating effects of terrain slope and declining functional abilities. Health & Place, 70, 102585–102585. Liu, H., Chen, B., Wang, Y., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Perceptions of interpersonal complementarity in late-middle-aged and older adults: The role of interpersonal traits and social context within an intensive ecological momentary assessment framework. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(7) , 2162–2183. Liu, H., Fang, B., Li, Y., & Lou, V. W. (2021). Initially negative affect predicts lower satisfaction with future social contact: A time-lagged analysis using ecological momentary assessment. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76 (2), 295-305. Liu, H., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Morrow‐Howell, N., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Shen, H. (2021). Within‐couple dissimilarities in functional impairment as determinants of spousal care arrangement among older married couples. Research in Nursing & Health, 44, 365–375. Liu, H., Zhang, X., Chen, B., Fang, B., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Hu, J. (2021). The Differential Impact of Multimorbidity Patterns and Subsequent Accumulation on Longitudinal Trajectories of Physical Function Decline in a Population-Based Cohort of Older People. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77 (8), 1629-1636. Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Meaningful Aging: A Relational Conceptualization, Intervention, and Its Impacts. Social Sciences (Basel), 11 (1), 10–. Lou, V. W. , Tang, J. Y. M., Lau, G. K. K., Lum, T. Y. S. , Fong, K., Ko, R. W. T., Cheng, C. Y. M., Fu, J. Y., Chow, E. S. L., Chu, A. C. K., Hui, E., Ng, W. W. L., Chan, F. H. W., Luk, C. C., & Kwok, T. K. (2021). Effectiveness of a Two-Tier Family-Oriented Intervention in Enhancing the Family Functioning and Care Capacity of the Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10 (5), e16703–e16703. Lu, S., Liu, Y., Guo, Y., Ho, H. C., Song, Y., Cheng, W., Chui, C., Chan, O. F., Webster, C., Chiu, R., & Lum, T. Y. (2021). Neighborhood Built Environment and Late-Life Depression: A Multilevel Path Analysis in a Chinese Society. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 76 (10), 2143–2154. Lu, S., Liu, Y., Guo, Y., Ho, H. C., Song, Y., Cheng, W., Chui, C. H. K., Chan, O. F., Webster, C., Chiu, R. L. H., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2021). Neighbourhood physical environment, intrinsic capacity, and 4-year late-life functional ability trajectories of low-income Chinese older population: A longitudinal study with the parallel process of latent growth curve modelling. EClinicalMedicine, 36, 100927–100927. Lu, N., Spencer, M., Sun, Q., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Family social capital and life satisfaction among older adults living alone in urban China: the moderating role of functional health. Aging & Mental Health, 25(4) , 695–702. Lu, S., Zhang, A. Y., Liu, T., Choy, J. C. P., Ma, M. S. L., Wong, G., & Lum, T. (2021). Degree of personalisation in tailored activities and its effect on behavioural and psychological symptoms and quality of life among people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 11 (11), e048917–e048917. Lu, S., Liu, T., Wong, G. H. Y., Leung, D. K. Y., Sze, L. C. Y., Kwok, W.-W., Knapp, M., Lou, V. W. Q. , Tse, S., Ng, S.-M., Wong, P. W. C., Tang, J. Y. M., & Lum, T. Y. S. , (2021). Health and social care service utilisation and associated expenditure among community-dwelling older adults with depressive symptoms. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30, e10–e10. Lu, S., Chan, W.-K., Chui, C. H.-K., Tang, J. Y. M., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2021). The effects of neighbourhood migrant concentration on ageing-in-place preference among older people in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 31 (4), 308–322. Tang, J. Y., Luo, H., Tse, M., Lum, T. Y. , Wong, G. H., & Li, S. X. (2021). The relationship between insomnia symptoms and frailty in community-dwelling older persons: a path analysis. Sleep Medicine, 84, 237–243. Qian, X. X., Chau, P. H., Kwan, C. W., Lou, V. W. Q. , Leung, A. Y. M., Ho, M., Fong, D. Y. T., & Chi, I. (2021). Investigating Risk Factors for Falls among Community-Dwelling Older Adults According to WHO’s Risk Factor Model for Falls. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 25 (4), 425–432. Sun, Q., Cheung, J. C. T., Wan, N. T. A., Pauline, W. S. Y., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). An Age Simulation Program Promoting Positive Attitudes Toward Older People in Hong Kong: Further Evidence of Integration of Natural Social Network Effects. Research on Social Work Practice, 32 (4), 426-433. Sun, Q., Lu, N., Jiang, N., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2021). Intention to use respite services among informal care-givers of frail older adults in China: the role of care needs change. Ageing & Society, 41 (1), 101–120. Tang, J. Y. M., Chui, C. H. K., Lou, V. W. Q. , Chiu, R. L. H., Kwok, R., Tse, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Chau, P.-H., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2021). The Contribution of Sense of Community to the Association Between Age-Friendly Built Environment and Health in a High-Density City: A Cross-Sectional Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40 (12), 1687–1696. Wang, J., Fu, Y., Lou, V. , Tan, S. Y., & Chui, E. (2021). A systematic review of factors influencing attitudes towards and intention to use the long-distance caregiving technologies for older adults. International Journal of Medical Informatics (Shannon, Ireland), 153, 104536–104536. Wong, F. H. C., Liu, T., Leung, D. K. Y., Zhang, A. Y., Au, W. S. H., Kwok, W. W., Shum, A. K. Y., Wong, G. H. Y., & Lum, T. Y.-S. (2021). Consuming Information Related to COVID-19 on Social Media Among Older Adults and Its Association With Anxiety, Social Trust in Information, and COVID-Safe Behaviors: Cross-sectional Telephone Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (2), e26570–e26570. Yang, W., Wu, B., Tan, S. Y., Li, B., Lou, V. W. Q. , Chen, Z. (Adam), Chen, X., Fletcher, J. R., Carrino, L., Hu, B., Zhang, A., Hu, M., & Wang, Y. (2021). Understanding Health and Social Challenges for Aging and Long-Term Care in China. Research on Aging, 43 (3–4), 127–135. Yu, Q., Li, X., Fan, M., Qiu, H., Wong, A. Y. S., Tian, L., Chui, C. S. L., Li, P. H., Lau, L. K. W., Chan, E. W., Goggins, W. B., Ip, P., Lum, T. Y. , Hung, I. F. N., Cowling, B. J., Wong, I. C. K., & Jit, M. (2021). The impact of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunisation on all-cause pneumonia admissions in Hong Kong: A 14-year population-based interrupted time series analysis. Vaccine, 39 (19), 2628–2635. 2020 Yang, W.*, Wu, B., Tan, S. Y., Li, B., Lou, V. W. Q. , Chen, Z. (Adam), Chen, X., Fletcher, J. R., Carrino, L., Hu, B., Zhang, A., Hu, M., & Wang, Y.. (2021). Understanding Health and Social Challenges for Aging and Long-Term Care in China. Research on Aging, 43 (3–4), 127–135. Chen, J., Xiang, X., Lee, J., L. C., Chen, C., He, Y., & Lou, V. W. Q*. (2020). Physical activity and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 49, 101679-. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. Q. , Cheng, C. Y. M., Lum, T. Y. S. , & Tang, J. Y. M. (2022). Family Caregiver’s Positive, Negative, and Ambivalent Feelings Towards Stroke Survivors: Association with Psychological Well-Being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17 (1), 169–183. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. Q. , & Lo, S. S. C. (2020). A Tablet-Based Volunteer-Mediated Intervention for Cognitively Impaired Older People: A Pretest–Posttest. Research on Social Work Practice, 30 (3), 288–297. Chen, K., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2020). Measuring Senior Technology Acceptance: Development of a Brief, 14-Item Scale. Innovation in Aging, 4 (3), igaa016–igaa016. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. , Tan, K. C., Wai, M., & Chan, L. (2020). Effects of a Humanoid Companion Robot on Dementia Symptoms and Caregiver Distress for Residents in Long-Term Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (11), 1724–1728.e3. Ke, C., Lou, V. W. , Tan, K. C., Wai, M. Y., & Chan, L. L. (2020). Changes in technology acceptance among older people with dementia: the role of social robot engagement. International Journal of Medical Informatics (Shannon, Ireland), 141, 104241–104241. Chung, C. H.*, & Lou, V. W. Q. (2020). Effects of Supervised Exercise on Physical Health and Quality of Life Among Older Adults Living With HIV in Hong Kong. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 31 (3), 353-358. Fu, F., Chen, L.*, Sha, W., Chan, C. L. W., Chow, A. Y. M., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2020). Mothers’ Grief Experiences of Losing Their Only Child in the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: A Qualitative Longitudinal Study. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 81 (1), 3–17. Gill, B. K.*, Cant, R., Lam, L., Cooper, S., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2020). Non-pharmacological depression therapies for older Chinese adults: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 88, 104037. Huang, J., Chau, P. H., Choi, E. P. H., Wu, B., & Lou, V. W. (2021). The patterns of caregiving activities for family caregivers of older adults in Hong Kong: An exploratory latent class analysis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 76 (8), 1605-1616. Jiang, N., Lu, N., Sun, Q., & Lou, V. W. Q.* . (2020). Positive and negative experiences and life satisfaction among spousal caregivers for frail older adults in urban China: a parallel process model. Age and Ageing, 49 (4), 622–627. Lou, V. W. Q. , & Chi, I.*. (2020). Is China ready for dementia? HSOA Journal of Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Disease, 6 (2), 041. Lu, N., Jiang, N., Sun, Q., & Lou, V. W. Q.* (2020). Community Social Capital and Positive Caregiving Experiences Among Adult-Children Caregivers of Older Adults With Disabilities in Urban China. Research on aging, 42 (1), 3-12. Lu, N., Peng, C., Jiang, N., & Lou, V. W. Q.* (2020). Cognitive Social Capital and Formal Volunteering Among Older Adults in Urban China: Does Gender Matter? Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39 (4), 404–412. Luo, H., Lou, V. W. Q.* , Chen, C., & Chi, I. (2020). The effectiveness of the positive mood and active life program on reducing depressive symptoms in long-term care facilities. The Gerontologist, 60 (1), 193-204. Qian, X. X., Chau, P. H., Kwan, C. W., Lou, V. W. , Leung, A. Y. M., Ho, M., Fong, D. Y. T., & Chi, I. (2020). Seasonal pattern of single falls and recurrent falls amongst community-dwelling older adults first applying for long-term care services in Hong Kong. Age and Ageing, 49 (1), 125–129. Wang, Q., Chan, I. K., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2020). Effectiveness of a Holistic Capacity-Building Program for Volunteers in Community-Based End-of-Life Care. Research on Social Work Practice, 30 (4), 408–421. Chan, A. Y. L., Chan, V. K. Y., Olsson, S., Fan, M., Jit, M., Gong, M., Zhang, S., Ge, M., Pathadka, S., Chung, C. C. Y., Chung, B. H. Y., Chui, C. S. L., Chan, E. W., Wong, G. H. Y., Lum, T. Y. , Wong, I. C. K., Ip, P., & Li, X. (2020). Access and Unmet Needs of Orphan Drugs in 194 Countries and 6 Areas: A Global Policy Review With Content Analysis. Value in Health, 23 (12), 1580–1591. Chen, K., Lou, V. W. Q. , Cheng, C. Y. M., Lum, T. Y. S. , & Tang, J. Y. M. (2020). Family Caregiver’s Positive, Negative, and Ambivalent Feelings Towards Stroke Survivors: Association with Psychological Well-Being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17 (1), 169–183. Tang, J. Y. M., Wong, G. H. Y., Luo, H., Liu, T., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2020). 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